Ljubljana was a home for the sixth meeting of the BIGG4VB project team
As part of the Erasmus+ Sport project called “Better incorporation of good governance principles for better volleyball success”, BIGG4VB, the sixth meeting of the project participants; six national volleyball federations, the representatives of the Zagreb School of Economics and Management and the Faculty of Kinesiology in Split, was held in Ljubljana on October 21st and 22nd.
The aim of the BIGG4VB project is to implement good governance in volleyball federations and clubs on the basis of ten criteria, while with cooperation with ZSEM and KIF Split, also identify examples of good governance and adherence to principles in national federations of Austria, Iceland, Italy, Poland, Slovenia and Croatia.
At a meeting in Ljubljana, the Slovenian Volleyball Federation presented how their federation function and works, and after two years, a five-year strategy and a two-year action plan were presented.
The completed Project managment tool has been presented, which will greatly help all National Federations and clubs in their work and in setting long-term and short-term goals.